
Jeremiah is unavailable, but you can change that!

The book of Jeremiah is arguably the longest and most complex book in the Bible. Jeremiah focuses on divine action and human response. The range and rigor of its rhetoric and the initial promise of the “new covenant” has left its mark on both the Old and New Testaments. This prophetic book presents many difficult literary, historical, and theological issues. In this volume of the highly...

one who can forget the past (v. 34) and begin again. [Has the Promise of Verse 30 Been Fulfilled?] Has the Promise of Verse 30 Been Fulfilled? As with the following verses (vv. 31–34) “those days” have not finally arrived. Children have continued to suffer for the sins of the parents from that day forward and communities have suffered the effects of the sins of previous generations as well. The moral order has continued to function in an inexact way and hence does not cut clean with regard to the
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